The Account Settings page is accessed by clicking on your user's email address found in the top right corner, and the clicking on the Account link.
Account Settings displays the following Account Information: Company Name, Status, Trial Days Left (if Trial Account), Timezone, Date Format, and Currency. Users can click on the pencil button to change the Timezone, Date Format, and Currency. Note that any changes made here are applied to the entire Account.
The Users section displays all Users connected to the Account. You can view their Full Name, Username, Email, Role, and Last Login.
Users can also Add, Edit, and Delete Users from the Account Settings page.
To Add a User, click on the Add User button. This will open the Add User screen, where you must fill out the User Information form and click on the Save button to apply the changes. The Cancel button will return them to the previous screen.
To Edit a User, click on the green edit button next to the user's Full Name
To Delete a User, click on the red trash can icon next to the User’s Full Name
Add Users To An Existing Account
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